Tuesday, July 5, 2011


What the hell is this?! I'm really really bewildered.

Ever since that day...It really felt different. I started feeling this ever since December. I thought by turning my attention to another 'person' will mislead you from my *****. But I was wrong...It just got deeper and deeper. What should I do? should I just kept quiet? (I think that would be the best choice for now).

I don't want to show any motive. I'm so over with that move. Last time it did not work. It just got worse.

I know that you don't feel anything special. Or I don't know. That's what we are. Nothing. Or maybe...just maybe...Unsure and Pending.

I don't know what will happen.
Fine! yes i'm envious with some people. I can't help it. You can't blame me. And I can't blame you either. I'm not someone who should and I don't have the slightest right to be like this.:(

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