Monday, June 25, 2018

Kit Kat Review #1 (Sweet Potato & Adzuki)

Hi World! It's been ages since my last entry. Since I haven't eaten something different lately, I figure I should review some snacks I tried from other countries. I know most people nowadays would prefer watching vlogs in youtube than reading blogs like this, but who cares. I like it the old-fashioned way.

So in the spotlight of today's review is the famous chocolate wafer snack, Kit Kat! But before that, let's get to know more about this world famous chocolate wafer. Kit Kat was introduced to the world in 1935 by Joseph Rowntree. Back then, it was only made to be a meal replacement and to best partner a cup of tea. Its shape of a square was made so it could fit a lunch box. And in 1958, the famous slogan, "Have a break, have a Kit Kat" first appeared on ads which until now is still being used by the company. But in 1988, Nestle took over the its global brand while Hershey's bought the license production of the product in the US. Skipping the long timeline of KitKat, here comes Japan, a country known for its innovation prowess. But unlike other countries selling this snack, Japan has opened doors to all the possibilities of sweet to exotic flavors. Different flavors were introduced in different regions: wasabi, sushi, sake, melon, strawberry, green tea flavors and an estimated of 300 more. 

Okay so enough of its history. Whenever my sisters will travel, they would always buy yummy treats for us and KitKat is like a default in the list. I would always look forward seeing and tasting new KitKats. Last year, I was able to try the sake flavor and boy it really does taste like sake. I wonder if you could get drunk if you eat a dozen of it. But I love its taste. I like the hint of bitterness and sweetness together. I'd love to taste it one more time. 

Now going to the sweet potato and Adzuki (red beans) flavor. The Adzuki beans was introduced by China to Japan and is a favorite flavor to any Japanese sweets like bread, pastry and chocolate (I just noticed from all the sweets I've eaten from Japan so far). With its natural sweetness, it really is nice to pair with any desert. I was in love at first bite as if I was eating a real sweet potato. I tried to find where the taste was coming from. From the picture, it would come from a layer on top of the wafer. The flavor of Adzuki is really rich. You can taste it in every bite. So far it is my most favorite flavor next to matcha (I'm a matchaholic too haha!). If you love the sweetness of sweet potato and red beans, this is a perfect pair. I recommend this flavor to you all. Plus don't you just love that super kawaii~ wrapping? So my rating for Sweet Potato and Adzuki is definitely...


Kaiman, J.(2017, December 17). How the humble KitKat conquered Japan with ever-changing flavors. Anyone for sushi KitKat? Retrieved from

Wells, J.(2016, January 21). 12 Snappy Facts About Kit Kat. Retieved from