Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Looking back....

As I was reading my older posts, I saw that I've written something about having a netbook or tablet.
I can't help to smile...because it actually became true!
And I was given more than that.
I'm so thankful to the people who actually gave me the laptop which I've been hoping for ever since.
It's really a necessity nowadays...=)
I can work more efficiently and effectively..ahe.xD



What's the latest??=s

First thing first, I've graduated! with flying colors! I'm so blessed cause I had received awards:
*Dean's List Award
*Special Citation for Performing Arts
*Academic Award (Iskolar ng Bayan)
*Leadership Award (Iskolar ng B ayan)

We celebrated right after the bloody commencement exercises..


I'm employed! yipee!! 
I started working as Basic Education Teacher at South Mansfield College last April 13, 2012.

As of NOW..

We are in the midst of preparation for the incoming Academic Year 2012-2013.
LIP Trainings, Workshops, Assessments and Evaluations for new faculty teachers.

I'm very happy and blessed for having all of this.
I'm happy with what I have.

Thanks for inspiring me...>.<